"Hello! Sharing world"


A joyful celebration believing in the value of openness and sharing, creating a positive change with people from over 80 countries is taking placein october ICC (International Conference Center). Nigeria

2022.10.20 (THU) ~ 30 (MON)

@ International Conference Center of Nigeria,

Main Program

program-img1 Lecturing

Try creating your own work using opening source license rather than just watching. Agricullture has been saving life since 1800. Start a project on Agriculture today!

program-img2 Exhibition

Try creating your own work using opening source license rather than just watching. Agricullture has been saving life since 1800. Start a project on Agriculture today!

program-img3 Forum-talk

Try creating your own work using opening source license rather than just watching. Agricullture has been saving life since 1800. Start a project on Agriculture today!

program-img4 Workshop

Try creating your own work using opening source license rather than just watching. Agricullture has been saving life since 1800. Start a project on Agriculture today!

program-img5 Discussion

Try creating your own work using opening source license rather than just watching. Agricullture has been saving life since 1800. Start a project on Agriculture today!

See the whole program

Featured Speakers


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